Friday 27 September 2013

Thanatomorphose (2012)

Rotting never felt this good! So says the publicity for this jaw-dropping (literally) body horror feature debut from French-Canadian director Eric Felardeau. Reminiscent of New French Extremity films like Inside and In My Skin, Thanatomorphose takes its title from the French term for 'the visible signs of an organism's decomposition caused by death'. That pretty much sums up the plot: alienated young sculptress, Laura (Kayden Rose) moves into a Montreal apartment where she spends her time suffering in an abusive relationship with her boyfriend, Antoine (Davyd Tousignant), and feeling equally rejected by the artistic establishment who refuse her an arts grant. She is dying inside (literally). One morning she wakes up to find her body slowly and inexorably starting to decay...
Read the full review here.


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