Monday 4 March 2013

Friday Night Frights 18 - I Didn't Come Here To Die

I remember as a kid being traumatised by those Central Office of Information safety films that used to show on children's television in the 1970s, warning of the perils of playing in dangerous places. The most memorable was Lonely Water (1973) and featured the voice of Donald Pleasence as the Grim Reaper culling off the foolhardy and the unwary. Another, more elaborate, but no less terrifying, effort was Apaches (1977) directed by John The Long Good Friday Mackenzie. This little nasty depicted a group of children who ignore all safety precautions while playing on a farm, and as a result die horribly under the wheels of tractors and so forth. What was so horrific about these films was that they proved that fate had it in for us kids, no matter what, and their gritty presentation made them all the more real. Final Destination re-imagined by the Children's Film Foundation.

All this is by way of introduction to my guest on this week's podcast - Bradley Scott Sullivan, whose debut I Didn't Come Here To Die comes on like some deranged version of those 1970s public information films.

Don't play with chainsaws, kids!

To listen go here.

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