Monday, 7 November 2011


I am launching a new page on the blog, which I am calling the  'Gallery'

This is a collection of images, photographs, news footage and videos showing horror films as reflecting events in British and American history.

As George A. Romero said: "what's happening in the world creeps into any work - it just fits right in - because that's where it comes from, where you get the idea from in the first place."

The gallery will draw visual parallels between horror film images and contemporary history. 

The idea is also to showcase some of the images and captions that will illustrate my book Shocks to The System

The gallery will be an on-going project that I will update regularly. If you have any suggestions for images to include in the gallery I'd love to hear from you - please contact me here

Please do visit the Gallery (top right tab)  - warning: contains graphic images.

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